Regional`s Christmas Message

Regional`s Christmas Message

- Father Maria Arokiam Kanaga SDB
Dear confreres, I wish all of you a MEANINGFUL CHRISTMAS CELEBRATION, not necessarily a ``happy`` one! Of course, all happy celebrations are meaningful. And all meaningful celebrations are happy. It cannot be different.
What does therefore the celebration of INCARNATION, this eruption of the Divine into the flesh of creation, mean for us today? It means 1. that all of us, and every single one of us, are precious and non-negotiable. 2. that God should be allowed to rule humanity, and hence rulers should be judged only from that point of view. We need therefore to fight for good politics and resist forces that counteract God`s reign. 3. that we fight sin. The Saviour came to redeem his people the worst form of slavery, Sin. 4. that we are called to fight for the integrity of creation, our common home. 5. that we fight also for the integrity of our own charism, our communities and of the Church. In India and the world, given the latest existential situations, Christmas cannot be just a pious, nostalgic, feel-good celebration, but a commitment to the Reign of God. May the memorial of the single most powerful and meaningful event of all history not pass us by merely with liturgical celebrations, good meals and some dainty carol singing! May I wish you a MEANINGFUL and hence also a HAPPY CHRISTMAS! May the Lord bless us throughout the NEW YEAR 2020! Maria Arokiam Kanaga SDB Regional for South Asia.
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